Cycle of Reliance
Recycled nylon, silk organza, hemp canvas, cotton, Sophie Hallette Lace
The world is concentrated on the interactions bodies have with surrounding spaces. The connections formed alter the dynamics of individuals and community.

Investigating how the cycle of reliance between the garment and bodies is created through interconnected narratives. How does the relationship affect the deflated garment? Is it possible to generate autonomous expressions without the body in clothing? Creating a moment to consider the garment’s transition from an inanimate object to a living choreographic object.

This project will encompass three sculptural silhouettes as a sensory experience to reflect on the historical, social, and relational language that are conveyed through the body and garment. Each piece reveals a different way the body and dress change meaning through a dynamic relationship. The static garment metamorphosizes into a choreographic object, the garment manipulates the body shape, and the wearer manipulates flatness to interact with forms.